Winning is just a click away

Street Hoops Codes -

All courts:
In the cheats prompt, push X , X , L Trigger , White , L Trigger , Y , Black , Y .

Block party:
In the cheats prompt, push R Trigger , Y , Black , White .

Super steals:
In the cheats prompt, push X , White , X , R Trigger , Y , L Trigger , Y , Black .

Power game:
In the cheats prompt, push White , Y , Black , Y .

Easy steals:
In the cheats prompt, push R Trigger , X , X , X , R Trigger , Black , Y , White .

Fast clock:
In the cheats prompt, push Y , Y , Y , X , X , X , L Trigger , Black .

Disable momentum meter:
In the cheats prompt, push X , Y , Y , X , L Trigger , Black , White , X .

Perfect field goals:
In the cheats prompt, push Y , Y , Y , X , X , X , R Trigger , White .

Shot release text:
In the cheats prompt, push L Trigger , L Trigger , R Trigger , R Trigger , Y , Y , X , X .

Brick City uniforms:
In the cheats prompt, push R Trigger , Black , R Trigger , L Trigger , Y , X , R Trigger , L Trigger .

Clown uniforms:
In the cheats prompt, push X , L Trigger , X , Y .

Cowboy uniforms:
In the cheats prompt, push Y , White , White , R Trigger .

Elvis uniforms:
In the cheats prompt, push Y , Black , White , Black , Black , White , L Trigger , Black .

Kung Fu uniforms:
In the cheats prompt, push Y , Y , X , L Trigger .

Pimp uniforms:
In the cheats prompt, push R Trigger , X , Y , Black .

Santa uniforms:
In the cheats prompt, push White , Black , White , Black .

Tuxedo uniforms:
In the cheats prompt, push Black , Black , Y , X .

Black ball:
In the cheats prompt, push White , White , Y , Black .

ABA ball:
In the cheats prompt, push Y , White , X , White .

Court select ball:
In the cheats prompt, push Y , X , Y , L Trigger , Y , X , X .

Normal ball:
In the cheats prompt, push R Trigger , X , X , L Trigger .


Fake Right - Push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right .
Fake Left - Push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left .
Whooow - Push White , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , Y .
Shamgod - Push L Trigger , Black , D-Pad Up , X .
Maja Look: Press and hold R Trigger + White and push X .
Look Up - Push Black , White , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Up , Y .
Slip N Slide - Push R Trigger , L Trigger , X .
