Winning is just a click away

Saints Row Codes -

Phone Numbers, Cheats, Rides, Help, and Funny messages
Pause the game and press the L Trigger or R Trigger trigger until you reach your phone. Select DIAL and enter one of the following numbers then press CALL.

NOTE: The ( ) and - symbols are automatically entered for you, you just need the number. The only symbols you're required to enter are the # or * if contained in a number. Warning: The codes that have # in front of them are considered cheats and you won't get achievements doing this.

911 - Ambulance (Restores Health)
(555) 819 8415 - Big Willys Cab
555-3765 - Brown Baggers
5552445 - Chicken Ned
#sunny - clear skies
(555) 018-0174 - Eagleline Yellow (Taxi Service)
#Shepherd - Enables "Give .44 Shepherd"
#12Gauge - Enables "Give 12 Gauge"
#AS12Riot - Enables "Give AS12 Riot"
#3373352623 - Enables "Give Fer De Lance", the best car in the game!
#GDHC50 - Enables "Give GDHC .50"
#Grenade - Enables "Give Hand Grenade"
#Knife - Enables "Give Knife"
#Molotov - Enables "Give Molotov Cocktail"
#Nightstick - Enables "Give Nightstick"
#NR4 - Enables "Give NR4"
#Pipebomb - Enables "Give Pipe Bomb"
#7288537 - Enables "Give Rattler"
#Rocket - Enables "Give RPG Launcher"
#T3KUrban - Enables "Give T3K Urban"
#Tombstone - Enables "Give Tombstone"
#Vice9 - Enables "Give Vice 9"
#936484 - Enables "Give Zenith"
555-5966 - Eye for an Eye Voodoo
#fullhealth - Full Health
27409863 - Give Ar-40 Xtnd Rifle
#K6Krukov - Give K6Krukov
#66639 - Give money
#pimpcane - Gives a pimpcane shotgun
#10 - God's Wrath (lightning strikes randomly)
555-9473 - Grounds for Divorce
#AMMO - Infinite Ammo
#SPRINT - Infinite Sprint
555-9467 - Legal Lee's
555-3863 - Lik-a-Chick
#nocops - No Cop Notoriety
#nogangs - No Gang Notoriety
555-7296 - On the Fence (Pawn Shop)
555-5926 - On The Rag Clothing
555-3493 - Rim Jobs
#shogun - Shogun in garage
#2855364 - Spawn a Bulldog
#bulldozer - Spawn bulldozer
#AQUA - spawn the Aqua car
#BETSY - Spawns 'Betsy' in your garage
#CAVALLARO - Spawns 'Cavallaro' in your garage
#HALBERD - Spawns 'Halberd' in your garage
#KEYSTONE - Spawns 'Keystone' in your garage
#TAXI - Spawns 'Taxi' in your garage
#TRAXXMASTER - Spawns 'TraxxMaster' in your garage
#22766 - Spawns a Baron
#267667 - Spawns a Cosmos in your garage
#3378469 - Spawns a Destiny
#5878423 - Spawns a Justice in your garage
#566636 - Spawns a Komodo in your garage
#66732374 - Spawns a Nordberg in your garage
#78682 - Spawns a Quota
#7288537 - Spawns a Rattler
#732737 - Spawns a Reaper (Hurst)
#746486 - Spawns a Shogun in your garage
#882727 - Spawns a Tuasar in your garage
#867839 - Spawns a Vortex in your garage
#936484 - Spawns a Zenith in your garage
#262852623 - Spawns an Anbulance in your garage
#268 - Spawns an Ant
555-2626 - Stocks
1-555-ITS-OVER - Suicide Hotline
555-6238 - The Dead Cow
#843562 - The Job
(555) 455 8008 - TNA Taxi
555-455-8008 - TNA Taxi Service
#42637867 - Unlock Special GameStop T-Shirt Cheat

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Addicted to tha row (20) - Play Saints Row for 20 hours.
Air Traffic Controller (10) - Destroy 50 helicopters.
Audiophile (10) - Collect all 60 hidden cd's.
Bulletproof (10) - Successfully complete Co-Op level Turbulence at the highest difficulty level.
Canonized (10) - Join the 3rd Street Saints.
Chain Gang (20) - Drop off a total of 500 chainsaw the Big Ass Chains multiplayer mode in ranked matches.
Clocktower Camper (20) - Head shot and kill a total of 100 enemies with a sniper rifle in ranked matches.
Colombian Made (40) - Take over Los Carnales territory.
Contract Killer (10) - Successfully complete all of the Hitman locations.
Coupon Clipper (10) - Purchase 100 clothing and jewelry items for your Multiplayer wardrobe.
Demo Demon (10) - Successfully complete all levels of Demolition Derby.
Dominator (10) - Win 10 ranked matches in a row.
Errand Boy (10) - Successfully complete Co-Op level Mob Rule at the highest difficulty level.
Fast and Furious (10) - Successfully complete all of the Hijacking locations and levels.
Fluffer (10) - Successfully complete all of the Escort locations and levels.
Gangsta (40) - Reach a TrueSkill rank of Gangster in any Multiplayer mode.
Getting Up (10) - Tag all tag locations hidden throughout Stilwater.
Grease Monkey (10) - Own a total of 50 cars.
Grifter (10) - Earn $200,000 in Insurance Fraud.
Jump the Shark (10) - Withdraw a total of $200,000 from the loan office.
Killa (20) - Reach a TrueSkill rank of Killa in any Multiplayer mode.
Kingpin (80) - Reach a TrueSkill rank of Kingpin in any Multiplayer mode.
Leader of the Pack (10) - Acquire all 7 Homies.
Marathon Runner (10) - Traveled 26.2 miles on foot.
Negotiator (10) - Take 50 hostages.
Penny Pincher (10) - Earn $1,000,000 in the city of Stilwater.
Pimp (10) - Successfully complete all the Snatch locations and levels.
Pimps Down (20) - Kill the Pimp In Protect the Pimp 50 times in ranked matches.
Professional Thief (10) - Steal 30 boxes and deliver them successfully.
Pusher (10) - Successfully complete all of the Drug Trafficking locations and levels.
Racket Lord (160) - Successfully complete all activities in Stilwater.
Reclamationist (10) - Retake Saint's Row.
Regicide (40) - Take over Vice Kings territory.
Road Warrior (40) - Take over Westside Rollerz territory.
Ruler of Stilwater (160) - Help the 3rd Streets Saints take over Stilwater.
Scavenger (10) - Successfully complete all of the Chop Shop locations.
Shopaholic (10) - Acquire 100 clothing and jewelry items for your single player wardrobe.
Stilwater PD Award (10) - Kill 50 Stilwater residents with only melee attacks.
Thug (10) - Reach a TrueSkill rank of Thug in any Multiplayer mode.
Tourist (20) - Drive 500 miles in the city of Stilwater.
Tuner (10) - Successfully complete all of the Racing locations and levels.
Vandal (10) - Successfully complete all of the Mayhem locations and levels.
Xzibitionist (20) - Get your team car to level 4 in the Blinged Out Ride mode a total of 50 times in ranked matches.

Hijacking Activity
Complete each individual activity to level 8. Once all activities are done for that particular activity a bonus unlockable will be available.

Attrazion Truckyard - District/Copperton Hikacking
Jewelery Suburb - District/Tidal Spring Hijacking
Leather Face - Complete all hijacking activities
Titan Airport - District/Wardill Airport Hijacking

Reduced damage from bullets
Complete level 7 of Insurance Fraud to reduce damage from bullets.
