Winning is just a click away

Star Trek: Tactical Assault Codes -

Klingon campaign:
Press D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , Select , Start , Triangle at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Mission select:
Press D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , Select , Start (x2) at the briefing screen. You can now switch missions at the briefing screen by pressing L and R .

Extra crew upgrades:
Press D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , Select , Start , Select at the crew screen to gain 5 promotion points.

All ships for Skirmish and Multi-player modes:
Press D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , Select , Start , Square at the skirmish screen.

