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Tiger Woods '99 Codes -

200% terrain elevation increase:
Select the "Edit Name" option on the "Player Select" menu and enter PUMPZ as a name.

400% terrain elevation increase:
Select the "Edit Name" option on the "Player Select" menu and enter MAXIMUMZ as a name.

Flat terrain:
Select the "Edit Name" option on the "Player Select" menu and enter OLDSCHOOL as a name.

Change voices:
Hold Up or Down, then press X, Square, Triangle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, or R2 to increase or decrease the pitch of the comments made during the game.

Automatic hole-in-one:
Press Start to pause game play. Then, hold R1 + R2 and press Up, Down, Triangle, Circle. Press Start to resume game play and your next shot will be a hole-in-one.

Destroy the golf cart:
Select practice mode and choose the driving range. Hit the golf cart three times to destroy it.

South Park pilot episode:
Note: This file is only present in the first production run of 100,000 games; MPEG-1 or VideoCD software is required for playback. Place the game disc in the PC-compatible CD-ROM drive and open the "Zzdummy.dat" file to view the original "Spirit Of Christmas" pilot to the South Park series.

Press one of the following buttons just before your opponent swings to activate the corresponding distraction.
Sound Button
Crowd cheering L1
Tiger Woods laughing L2
Tiger Woods says "That was lucky" R1
Tiger Woods clearing his throat R2
Tiger Woods says "Fore" Triangle
Tiger Woods says "Nice Shot" Square
Tiger Woods says "No way" Circle
Tiger Woods says "No pressure" X
