Winning is just a click away

NHL Faceoff '99 Codes -

Hint: Super player:
Use the following steps to create and overall 99 rated player. Select "Transactions" from the starting screen. Then, select "Create Player". Give him a name, any height or weight, and the following attributes:
Skating: 95
Speed: 95
Shot power: 98
Shot accuracy: 98
Passing accuracy: 98
Aggression: 40
Fighting: 40
Endurance: 40
Wrist shot power: 98
Checking : 99
Passing ability: 98
Puck handling: 98
Hint: Replay close-up:
Press Start, then when you are in the start menu, press Start again.

Hint: Turbo boost:
Hold Circle when you are skating down the ice.
