Winning is just a click away

NFL Quarterback Club '97 Codes -

Enable all cheats:
Press L1(2), R2(2), L1, R2 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Pro Bowl teams:
Press L1(3), Triangle, L1(2) at the pre-season team selection screen. The NFC or AFC Pro Bowl team can play against any team in a pre-season game.

Team power boost:
Press L1(2), R2, Triangle, L1, R2 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Special teams:
Press L1(2), L2, R2, L1, L2 at the pre-season team selection screen. The Acclaim and Iguana teams will be available for selection.

100 teams:
Press L2, Triangle, R2(2), L2, R2 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Big players:
Press L1(2), R1, Triangle, L1, R1 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Small players:
Press L1(2), R1(2), L1, R1 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Shadow players:
Press L1(2), R1, L2, L1, R1 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Short, fat players:
Press L1, Triangle, R1, Triangle, L1, R1 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Tall, thin players:
Press L1, Triangle, R1(2), L1, R1 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Fast player:
Press L1(2), L2, Triangle, L1, Triangle at the pre-season team selection screen. Use the speed burst button to run as fast as possible during the rest of the play.

Land mines:
Press L1(3) R1, L1(2) at the pre-season team selection screen. Land mines will be placed on the field.

Press L1(3), L2, L1(2) at the pre-season team selection screen. The ball will be fumbled twice during every play.

No fumbles:
Press L1(3), R2, L1(2) at the pre-season team selection screen.

Slippery mode:
Press L1(2), R2, R1, L1, R2 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Turbo mode:
Press L1(2), Triangle(2), L1, Triangle at the pre-season team selection screen.

Off day:
Press L1(2), Triangle, R2, L1, Triangle at the pre-season team selection screen. The team chosen for play will have reduced skills.

Long passes and kicks:
Press L1(2), R1, R2, L1, R1 at the pre-season team selection screen. Quarterbacks can throw the ball 100 yards on any Bomb Zone play.

Faster game:
Press L1(2), L2(2), L1, L2 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Slower game:
Press L1(2), L2, R1, L1, L2 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Eight downs:
Press L1, Triangle, L2, Triangle, L1, L2 at the pre-season team selection screen.

Hint: Easy game delay:
Pick a play while on defense. When the other team picks a play and the "Quarterback Club '97" icon appears on their screen, press Start and Start again. Repeat this action for an easy delay of game on your opponent.
