Winning is just a click away

FIFA: Road To The World Cup '98 Codes -

Unlimited player attributes:
Highlight one of the attributes on the player edit screen, then press L1, L2, X, Square, X. Any or all attributes may now be raised to 99.

Editable bankroll:
Select the "Customize Squad" at the main menu, then select "Team Edit". Select a club, then press Square, X, Square, L2, L1 at the team edit screen. Highlight the money total and press Left or Right to change the total. Note: To accumulate unlimited money easily, press Left until the total passes below zero. Note: Do not use the "Shirts/Shorts/Socks" option after altering the money total will reset it to normal.

Quickly press R1, L1, Down, Up, Left at the team selection screen. The team that you select will have an extremely hard kick.

Adjust lighting:
Pause game play and press Square, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle(2), X(2), Square(6), Triangle(5) at the options screen.
