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Command And Conquer: Retaliation Codes -

Ant missions:
Complete the game once. Then, set the difficulty level to "Hard", select "Campaigns", and go to England to access the ant missions.

Ant missions secrets:
Use the Game Shark building modifier codes along with the vehicles and infantry menu codes while in the Ant missions to obtain the following:
Mad Tank = Queen Ant
Demolition Truck = Warrior Ant
Chrono Tank = Larva
Mechanic = Larva
Shock Trooper = 2 Larvae
Cheat mode:
Click on the "Teams" button menu with Circle (or which ever button is currently configured as "Cancel") or the Right Mouse Button. Then, move the pointer over the following icons on the tool bar and press Circle ("Cancel") or the Right Mouse Button on each. br>
Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Square", "X", "Circle", "X", "Triangle", "Triangle".
Full map
Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Triangle", "Triangle", "X", "Circle", "Triangle", "Square".
Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "X", "X", "X", "Circle", "Triangle", "Square".
Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Square", "Circle", "Triangle", "X", "Circle", "Circle".
Harvest people instead of ore
Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Square", "X", "Square", "X", "Square", "X".
Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "X", "X"," Square", "Circle", "Circle", "Circle".
Instant victory
Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Circle", "Circle", "Triangle", "X", "X", "Square".
Instant loss
Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Circle", "X", "Circle", "Square", "Square", "X".
Nuclear attack
Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Circle", "X", "Circle", "Circle", "X", "Square".
Civilians have names
Press Circle or the Right Mouse Button when the pointer is over "Square", "Square", "Circle", "Circle", "Triangle", "Triangle".
Hint: Strange equipment:
Play map 51 in skirmish or link mode for Allied helicopters firing V2 rockets and Soviets with Allied tanks.

Map 51 may have been a joke reference to Area 51. The following things also happen on this map. Soviet helicopters make the sounds of firing rockets, but shoot flames. The Allied APC also fires rockets. Both Allied and Soviets are able to make troops that they normally cannot (Allied making flame troops, and Soviets making field mechanics, etc.). There is also a "magic" crate (looks normal) that turns whatever opens it invisible. It stays invisible until it fires, it then turns invisible again. You can still see the unit on radar, but not in the field (just its status). Enemy units also do not see it. The game will make a very odd sound when this goes into effect (similar to a harsher, deeper Chronoshift).

Hint: Super civilians:
Play map 41 or 43 in skirmish or link mode for super civilians. The green civilians fire Nukes and the blue civilians have Tesla Beams instead of pistols. Use a mad tank for maximum damage.

Hint: Transport soldiers with Chronosphere:
Take a civilian and make it force fire on the soldier that you want to transport. When the soldier lies down, take the Chronosphere and zip it while avoiding the civilians bullets. This will work because the armor gets higher when the soldier lies down. Use this to send a spy or a thief into the enemy base.

Hint: Double Tesla shock:
Select the Tesla Coil and make it attack something. When the electricity is at the top (the ball at the very top), make it attack someone else. Practice this on your own units until you can master this technique.

Hint: Build a mobile army surgical hospital:
Build a MCV and put it slightly off your base. Build Barracks and train Medics. Build APCs, Chinooks, and Transports to get units healed. This also works with mechanics and vehicles. Note: This works best with the Allies.

Glitch: Infantry walks on water:
You can make a infantryman walk on water by telling him to go into a transport ship. When he is just about to enter the ship, quickly pull it away. Then, once the unit is out as far as possible, repeat the process by putting a transport next to a man and telling him to enter, then pulling it away at the last moment. Now you can do this for some distance out to sea, but your man may get stuck and stay still.
