Winning is just a click away

Stuntman Codes -

All driving games, cars and toys:
Submit the case-sensitive driver name BindI in the NEW GAME menu. REMEMBER: The last character is a upper-case "i". All driving games, cars, and toys will be unlocked. If you have the PAL version of the game, submit the case-sensitive driver name BiNdErS.

All toys:
Submit the case-sensitive driver name MeFf in the NEW GAME menu. If you have the PAL version of the game, submit the case-sensitive driver name Turnips.

Filmography section:
Submit the case-sensitive driver name fellA in the NEW GAME menu to unlock all trailers at the FILMOGRAPHY menu. REMEMBER: Characters three and four are lower-case "L"s. If you have the PAL version of the game, submit the case-sensitive driver name BonNeTT

All cars:
Submit the case-sensitive driver name spiDER in the NEW GAME menu. If you have the PAL version of the game, submit the case-sensitive driver name Sez4Jnr.
