Winning is just a click away

The Scorpion King Codes -

Master code:
Push Start to pause your game, then push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , Square , R2 . You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly. All bonuses will be unlocked.

Full health and weapons:
Push Start to pause your game, then push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , Square , Circle . You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly.

Meat club:
Unlock the one-handed class weapon bonus. Then, press Start to pause your game, then push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Left (x2). You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly.

Unlock the one-handed class weapons bonus. Then, press Start to pause your game, then push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right (x3). You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly.

Big heads:
Push Start to pause your game, then push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , Circle , R2 . You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly. All enemies will have big heads.

Tiny enemies:
Push Start to pause your game, then push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , Circle , Square . You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly.
