Scarface: The World Is Yours Codes -
Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes at the "Cheat"
screen from Tony's sat phone.
1,000 balls (trigger blind rage):
Submit the code FPATCH.
Ariel MK III race car:
Submit the code OLDFAST.
Submit the code 666999.
Odin VH88 dump truck:
Submit the code DUMPER.
Black suit:
Submit the code BLACK.
Blue suit:
Submit the code BLUE.
Blue suit with shades:
Submit the code BLUESH.
Gray suit:
Submit the code GRAY.
Grey suit with shades:
Submit the code GRAYSH.
Tan shirt:
Submit the code SANDY.
Tan shirt with shades:
Enter SANDYSH as a code.
Tiger shirt with shades:
Submit the code TIGERSH.
Hawaiian shirt:
Submit the code HAWAII.
Hawaiian shirt with shades:
Submit the code HAWAIIG.
White suit:
Submit the code WHITE.
White suit with shades:
Submit the code WHITESH.
Real "The World is Yours" music
Submit the code TUNEME.
Submit the code DOZER.
Change time of day:
Submit the code MARTHA.
Decrease Cop Heat:
Submit the code FLYSTRT.
Decrease Gang Heat:
Submit the code NOBALLS.
Full ammunition:
Submit the code AMMO.
Full health:
Submit the code MEDIK.
Repair vehicle:
Submit the code TBURGLR.
Increase Cop Heat:
Submit the code DONUT.
Increase Gang Heat:
Submit the code GOBALLS.
Submit the code SHAZAAM.
Submit the code RAINY.
Bodog Stampede:
Submit the code BUMMER.
Submit the code KILTONY.
Babylon Club Redux level:
Submit the code S13.
Cabana Cigar/Oakely Drive In level:
Submit the code DW_FRON.
Deliver level:
Submit the code S12.
Freedom Town Redux level:
Submit the code S07A.
Marina Storage level:
Submit the code F_M_SHA.
Nacho Contreras level:
Submit the code S09.
Nacho's Tanker level:
Submit the code S10.
Ogrady's level:
Submit the code DW_FRON.
The Dock Boss level:
Submit the code A51.
Un-Load level:
Submit the code S11.