Winning is just a click away

Premier Manager 2002 Codes -

Increase chance of winning current match:
While playing a match, push Triangle + Circle + R1 .

Increase chance of losing current match:
While playing a match, push Triangle + Circle + R2 .

Match ends as a draw:
While playing a match, push Triangle + Circle + L1 .

Cancel all codes:
While playing a match, push Triangle + Circle + L2 .

Extra money:
Submit the mascot name CENBARTER. £100 million will be added to your total if your funds are currently below £100 million.

Never get sacked:
Submit the mascot name NOBBY. This code must be reactivated each time saved game is loaded.

Players always accept trade offers:
Submit the mascot name BOBO. This code must be reactivated each time saved game is loaded.

Clubs always accept you as a manager:
Submit the mascot name ADYW. This code must be reactivated each time saved game is loaded.
