Winning is just a click away

Pirates: The Legend Of Black Kat Codes -

Unlock Invincibility for Katarina:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push X , Circle , L3 (L-Stick) , Triangle , R3 (R-Stick) , Select , R3 (R-Stick) , L1 , L2 , Square .

Unlock Invincibility for the Wind Dancer:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push Select , Triangle , L1 , X , R3 (R-Stick) , L2 , Square , R3 (R-Stick) , Circle , L3 (L-Stick) .

Unlock Reveal buried treasure chests:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push Circle , X , Square , Triangle , L1 , Select , L3 (L-Stick) , L2 , L3 (L-Stick) , R3 (R-Stick) . Green Xs will appear on the captain's log maps to indicate the location of buried treasure chests.

Unlock Reveal all treasure chests:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push R3 (R-Stick) , X , Triangle , L3 (L-Stick) , Circle , L1 , Select , L3 (L-Stick) , Square , L2 .

Unlock All treasure chest keys:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push Circle , Select , X , Square , R3 (R-Stick) , L1 , L3 (L-Stick) , L2 , Triangle , L3 (L-Stick) .

Unlock Wind Dancer:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push L2 , Triangle , R3 (R-Stick) , L3 (L-Stick) , X , Square , R3 (R-Stick) , Select , L1 , Circle .

Unlock Unlimited items:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push Triangle , L1 , Select , L2 , R3 (R-Stick) , L3 (L-Stick) , Square , X , R3 (R-Stick) , Circle . Once found, an item will be available in unlimited amounts.

Unlock Extra gold:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push Triangle , R3 (R-Stick) , L3 (L-Stick) , X , Square , R3 (R-Stick) , Select , L1 , Circle . Sail to another map to get the Galleon.

Unlock Unlimited wind boost:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push Select , L1 , R3 (R-Stick) , Circle , L2 , Triangle , X , L3 (L-Stick) .

Unlock Advance to Katarina's next sword:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push R3 (R-Stick) , Select , L2 , L3 (L-Stick) , Square , X , L1 , Circle , L3 (L-Stick) , Triangle .

Unlock Alternate Glacial Gulf music:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push L1 , X , Triangle , L2 , Square , Circle , L3 (L-Stick) , Select , R3 (R-Stick) , L3 (L-Stick) to hear the music from Glacier Gulf music from SSX.

Unlock High pitched voices:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push R3 (R-Stick) , Circle , Select , X , R3 (R-Stick) , Triangle , L1 , Square , L2 , L3 (L-Stick) .

Unlock Kane poison head:
Press and hold R1 + R2 and push Triangle , L2 , L1 , Square , L3 (L-Stick) , X , L3 (L-Stick) , Circle , R3 (R-Stick) , Select . The poison status will now be indicated by the head of Kane from Command and Conquer.
