Liero Codes -
Different weapons and items: Repeatedly press [Alt] + [Tab] during game play to minimize and maximize the game window. Eventually, different weapons and items will appear.
Hint: WeaponHack: Leave object trail Unknowns: The following informaiton is for WeaponHack, an add-on to LieroKit, which is an add-onto Liero. : At the end of the list you will see "12 -Unknown," "13 - Unknown," and "14 - Unknown." The first unknown is explosions (Hellraider-style); the second unknown is smoke (missile-style) and the third is nothing (cluster bomb style).
Hint: WeaponHack: Most objects possible following projectile: To get a steady, constant stream of explosions, pixels, or smoke, pick your object trail, then go to page 3 and switch the "Type Of Shot" to "4 - Laser type". This will create an incredible stream on your object trail.