Winning is just a click away

Klingon Honor Guard Codes -

Cheat Mode:
Press [Tab] during game play, then type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

999 of all ammunition typesallammo
External viewbehindview 1
Normal viewbehindview 0
Reset bad textures on walls or creaturesflush
Fly modefly
No clipping modeghost
God modegod
Hide all monsters, weapons, and itemshideactors
Show all monsters, weapons, and itemsshowactors
Disable invisibilityinvisible0
Kill selected monsterskillall <monster name>
Kill all monsterskillpawns
Level or server select open <map name or URL>
Disable timerplayersonly
Set game speed (1 is normal)slomo <number>
Summon weapon, item, or monstersummon <item>
Walk mode; resets no clipping and flight modeswalk
Activates currently selected item in inventoryactivateitem
Add more botsaddbots <number>
Cycle through 10 screen brightness settingsbrightness
Cancels in-progress "open" network connection commandcancel
Play the specified CD trackcdtrack <number>
Change current HUD modechangehud
Tests game crash by appErrordebug crash
Tests memory allocation until it fillsdebug eatmem
Tests game crash by a general protection faultdebug gpf
Tests game crash by infinite recursiondebug recurse
Display contents of the memory cache GCachedumpcache
Edits the properties of nearest actor belonging to that class during game playeditactor <class>
Window modeendfullscreen
Execute the console commands in the filename (Windows/System default directory)exec <filename>
Quit gameexit
Play deadfeigndeath
View current resolution settinggetcurrentres
View valid resolutions for current window stategetres
Move viewpoint to indicated x,y,z coordinates in the editorjumpto <x y z>
Display what action indicated key is bound tokeybinding <key>
Load game from indicated positionloadgame <0-9>
Save the game to indicated positionsavegame <0-9>
List memory usagemem
View Windows overall memory statistics.memstat
Do not switch to new weapon upon pick-upneverswitchonpickup 1
Switch to new weapon upon pick-upneverswitchonpickup 0
Moves to the next item in inventory.nextitem
Moves to the previous item in inventory.previtem
Cycle to next weaponnextweapon
Cycle to previous weaponprevweapon
Display list of all loaded classesobj classes
Collect and purge objects that are no longer in useobj garbage
Display object hashing statistics.obj hash
List all objects belonging to the classobj list <class>
List all objectsobj list
Show a list of objects which reference the indicated objectobj refs <class> <name>
Toggles single player pausepause
Display the Advanced Controls menupreferences
Loads gamequickload
Saves gamequicksave
Copies current game status to clipboardreport
Restarts the current levelrestartlevel
Set the rendering modermode <0-9>
Chat in Multi-player gamesay <message>
Binds indicated key to value. set input <key> <value>
Sets Field of View to indicated value; reset on weapons change or pick-up setdesiredfov <value>
Name changessetname
Sets resolution to indicated valuesetres <value>
Save .BMP screenshot in Windows/Systemshot
Shows actors during gameplay.showactors
View Klingons Menu Display.showmenu
Slower game speedslomo <number>
Lists network sockets in multi-player modesockets
Level or server selectstart <map name or URL>
View cache and number of items cachedstat cache
Current frame ratestat fps
View Game statsstat game
View overall statsstat global
View Clip and Box infostat occlusion
Creates a member indicated classsummon klingons <class>
Switch to new level with coop-style weapon carrying between levelsswitchcooplevel <new level or URL>
Switch to a new level.switchlevel <new level or URL>
Switch to Dak Taghswitchweapon 1
Switch to Bat lethswitchweapon 10
Switch to Disruptor Pistolswitchweapon 2
Switch to Disruptor Rifleswitchweapon 3
Switch to Assault Disruptorswitchweapon 4
Switch to Ding Pahswitchweapon 5
Switch to Grenade Launcherswitchweapon 6
Switch to Rocket Launcherswitchweapon 7
Switch to Sith Har Blasterswitchweapon 8
Switch to Disruptor Cannonswitchweapon 9
Throw current weaponthrowweapon
Toggle any of a number of boolean values (bNoMosters, bCoopWeaponMode, bHumansOnly, etc.)toggle b<command>
Toggle full and windowed screenstogglefullscreen
Sets your view to the number of classname in the levelviewclass <class> <number>
Moves view downwardsviewdown
Moves view upwardsviewup
