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Jedi Knight: Mysteries Of The Sith Codes -

Cheat Mode:
Press T and type one of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Uber Jedi, unlimited full Force powersiamagod
All weaponsdiediedie
Full inventorygimmestuff
Disable AIstatuesque 1
Enable AIstatuesque 0
Increase Force leveltrainme
Enable invincibilityboinga 1
Disable invincibilityboinga 0
Full manatrixie
Full mapcartograph
Slow motiongospeedgo 1
Resume normal speedgospeedgo 0
Level skipgameover
Jump to specified coordinatesquickzap

Hint: Better Force Push:
This trick will allow you to push an opponent farther by pressing F without having to target him. Target your guy with Force Push and push him once. If he is in your sight you can repeatedly press F -- the targeting box for Force Push will not appear and you can still push him. It will also be a more efficient way to kill your opponent with this Force. Although difficult to master, its very useful once learned.
