Winning is just a click away

Incoming Codes -

Cheat mode:
Hold [Shift] and type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
Wire frame graphicswirewewaiting
Point graphicswhatsthepoint
Disable shadingflatbroke
Solid shadingsolidasarock
Gouraud shadinggouraud
Protect farm from jumping cowsoldmacdonald
Racing in the moonflymetothemoon
All cheats activehaveall
Cows selectable as ships in arcade and multi-player modes superdaisy
One shot killseasyshoot
Unlimited smart bombssupershoot
Unlimited livesinfinitelives
Unlimited weaponsinfiniteweapons
Big shipseroser
Extra tankstanksalot
Low gravitycatwalk
High gravityfatwalk
Normal gravityiweighnormal
Toggle texturesmasteroftheuniverse
Enable in-game cheat keyscheatkey

In-game cheat keys:
Press one of the following keys to activate the corresponding cheat function after using the cheatkey code.
Effect Key
Easy shots[F2]
Unlimited lives[F4]
Unlimited weapons[F5]
Smart bomb[F6]
Save current game[F8]
Reloads stored game[F9]
Toggle frame wait[F10]

Cheat mode (command line):
Start the game with one of the following command line parameters to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Command line parameter
View frame rate-framerate
Select screen resolution-screenmode
Disable lens flare effects-nolensflare
Disable fog-nofog
Disable sky-nosky
Disable MIP mapping-nomipmap
Disable surround sound-no3dsound
Disable shadows-noshadows
Disable network support-nonetwork

Cheat mode (alternate):
Type numberonedacrestreet at the main menu. Cheat options will now appear on the menu, including access to five bonus levels.
