Winning is just a click away

Giants: Citizen Kabuto Codes -

Cheat Mode:
Press T or Y during game play, then type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Fast base constructionbasegoveryfast
Full energy for basebasefillerup
Full healthpleasehealme
Full mapmapshowitall
Gift shopgimmegifts
Level selectallmissionsaregoodtogo
Maximum Smarty populationbasepopulate
Party houseitsmyparty
Unlimited manaineedspells
View frame ratefr

Original Sea Reapers:
To play with the original, uncensored version of the Sea Reapers, enter the "bin" folder in the game folder. Move the "arpfix.gzp" file to another folder. To restore the game to normal, simply move the file back to its original location.
