Winning is just a click away

College Slam Codes -

Fraternity teams:
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Up Down, Left, Right at the title screen. The bonus teams will appear under the team selection option.

Power-up dunks:
Press Left, Right, Up, Up, Left, Right at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

Power-up three pointers:
Press Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Up, Up, Up at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

Small players:
Press Up, Shoot, Down, Shoot, Pass, Pass at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

Big headed players:
Press Down, Down, Down, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

Unlimited whirlwind:
Press Left, Right, Left, Right, Pass, Shoot at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.
