Spore Creatures Codes -
Completion bonus:
Successfully complete the game to be able to replay the levels with everything already collected. You can now try to collect everything if any items were previously missed.
Cheat Shop items:
Purchase the indicated item at the Cheat Shop to gain the corresponding cheat. Note: Some items cannot be purchased until the game has been completed.
Terraform: Allows you to alter the appearance of a level to resemble the design of another level.
Alt Food: Food has alternate appearance.
Ignore Body Points: Allows you to build your creature with no body point restrictions.
Auto Play Dance: Automatically hit a "Perfect" on each note in the dancing mini-game to get a creature's happiness to the maximum.
Exploding Sporelings: Sporeling will explode when thrown and does not hit its own nest.
Butterfly Exploding: Butterflies will rise from your explosions.
Scaling/Spinning Parts: Your body parts will scale and spin.
Meat Trees Banana Beasts: Enemies will drop fruits instead of meat and trees will drop meat instead of fruit.
Alt and Real Creatures: Creatures have alternate appearance, but still give same parts.
Paintball: Throw rocks at walls to make paintball marks.
Random Color: All creatures (except Gar'skuther's body parts) will have a random color when a level starts or after the Sporepedia is used.
Super Vision: Maximum vision; can see all dirt mounds.
Super Attack: Always do highest damage.
Ignore Poison Terrain: Immune to damage from harmful terrain.
Invincibility: Cannot be hurt.