Winning is just a click away

Ping Pals Codes -

Shantae background:
Touch the Ping Pals logo exactly at midnight (00:00:00) when the chime sounds. Note: Try setting the system clock fifteen seconds before midnight to give you enough time to prepare to do this. Shantae's sexy background will now be unlocked in the "Backgrounds" section of the Items Shop.

Bonus items:
Enter the Items Shop on various holidays (Christmas, The Fourth Of July, Halloween) or your birthday to find new items to purchase:

Valentine (Boy) (February 14th): 300 Coins 
Valentine (Girl) (February 14th): 200 Coins 
Vessel Top (February 21st): 700 Coins 
Snowflake (March 17th): 250 Coins 
Succubus (October 31st): 321 Coins 
Bat Treats (October 31st): 400 Coins 
Jack Hat (October 31st): 4000 Coins 
Elf Skirt (December 25th): 300 Coins 
Jolly Suit (December 25th): 300 Coins 
Merry Cap (December 25th): 10 Coins 
Birthday (Boy or Girl) (your birthday): 5 Coins 

New items:
Change the system date to a different time or date in order to get new items in the shop. This works well for going back to a date that you missed, or forward to a date that you cannot wait for (for example, Christmas).

Rare money words:
Type one of the following words in a chat room.
Atheist Crochet Industrial Scandalous
Aquarium Cur Kingdom Shabby
Awesome Dingy Lichen Sleuth
Barnacle Egghead Link Snob
Batteries Ego Liposuction Sonic
Behemoth Encyclopedia Magnificent Stud
Berserk Enemy Masculinity Stuff
Bifocals Enigma Meteorite Stupendous
Bizarre Enterprise Mongrel Surgery
Blam Fantasy Mushroom Sushi
Blimp Femininity Nuggets Tapestry
Bonus Fiber Nutritional Taxes
Boss Florescent Oddball TP
Braces Flounder Paranormal Trinket
Camel Freckle Particular Velocity
Capybara Gargoyle Pastry Vigilant
Carbon Ginger Pasty Vomit
Catapult Glamorous Peppercorn Wait
Cavity God Platypus Warp
Chronological Gracious Plumber Waste
Cinnamon Granny Poker Wayforward
Cleaver Hangnail Professional Wham
Combo Hardcore Protect Wigwam
Commando Hopeful Python Wizard
Complementary Hunchback Quantum Xylophone
Consume Incognito Rhapsody Zoology
Cornrows Saber

Ultra Rare money words:
Type one of the following words in a chat room.

Amplitude Defunct Genie Planetarium
Antiquing Doddering Goldilocks Scalawag
Baklava Dressage Gorgon Skullduggery
Blatherskite Emu Infidel Stenographer
Bombardment Epoch Isthmus Stigma
Bombastic Equinox Jab Stingray
Cabbage Fiddlesticks Larval Undulate
Cantankerous Fisticuffs Magenta Vegan
Comatose Fortuitous Oxymoron Wisenheimer
