Meteos Codes -
Accumulate over five hours of game play to unlock this planet for purchase.
Successfully complete Star Trip Straight mode to unlock this planet for purchase.
Planet Meteos:
Successfully complete Star Trip Straight mode without losing a life and watch any ending sequence to unlock this planet for purchase.
Radar view:
Press Select to see a radar type view on the top screen. Press Select again to see that view from your opponent's viewpoint.
Complete the following tasks to get the blocks needed to fuse the corresponding weapons or the item itself.
100 Air, Fire, Soil, and H2O Meteos: Complete a 100-Meteo War in less than ten seconds.
100 Iron, Zap, Zoo and Herb Meteos: Play at least three wireless multi-player games.
Cross Bomb: Unlock the true ending for Star Trip Straight mode.
Driller Bomb: 150 Air, 200 Fire.
Eraser: Get five other player profiles.
Fury Hammer: Successfully complete the Multi mode.
Heavy Weight: 256 Soil, 512 Iron, 512 Herb.
Row Bomb: 111 Fire, 111 H20, 111 Soil.
Smart Bomb: 300 Air, 300 Fire, 300 H20, 300 Soil, 300 Iron, 300.
Smoke Line: 800 Air, 1000 H20, 20 Glow, 1 Soul.
Smoke Screen: Get at least 100,000 points in a 5:00 time war.
Speeder Lock: 1024 H20, 255 Soil, 350 Herb, 20 Dark, 1 Soul, 1 Time.
Super Rocket: 80 Air, 80 Fire, 1111 Iron.
War Axe: 500 Herb, 400 Zoo.
X Bomb: 500 Fire, 500 Soil, 5 Glow, 1 Time.
Zap: 300 Herb, 300 Zoo, 50 Glow, 50 Dark, 1 Soul and 1 Time.
Sound sets:
Complete the following tasks to get the corresponding sound set.
Anasaze: Complete the Branch route.
Bavoom: 500 Air.
Boggob: 200 Herb
Brabbit: Launch at least 10,000 Meteos.
Cavious: Accumulate at least one hour of game play.
Credits: 100 Air, 100 Fire, 100 H20, 100 Soil, 100 Iron, 100 Zap, 100 Herb, 100 Zoo, 100 Glow, 100 Dark, 1 Soul, 1 Time.
Dawndus: 500 Zoo.
Ending 1: 1 Soul
Ending 2: 1 Time
Ending 3: 1 Time
Firim: 200 Fire.
Florias: 1000 Herb
Forte: 500 Soil.
Freaze: 500 H20. Alternately, unlock four Branch route endings.
Fusion Room: 300 Fire, 300 H20.
Gigagush: 1000 Iron.
Globin: 1000 Zoo.
Grannest: 200 Iron.
Gravitas: 500 Zap.
Henedevor: 200 Dark.
Hotted: 1000 Fire.
JelJel: 500 Fire.
Lastar: 1 Time.
Layazero: Complete a 1,000 Meteo war in less than 3:00.
Luna: 100 Dark.
Megadom: 200 Zap.
Mekks: 500 Iron.
Menu: 100 Air.
Meteo Sound: 1 Air, 1 Fire, 1 H20, 1 Soil, 1 Iron, 1 Zap, 1 Herb, 1 Zoo, 1 Glow, 1 Dark, 1 Soul, 1 Time.
Oleana: 200 H20.
Opening: 100 Air.
Results: 300 Zap, 300 Herb.
Star Trip: 300 Soil, 300 Iron .
Starri: 1 Soul.
Subordion: 300 Dark.
Thirnova: 300 Glow.
Vubble: 1000 H20.
Wiral: 100 Glow.
Wuud: 500 Herb.
Yooj: 200 Glow.
Planets fusions:
Use the following items in the indicated amounts in the fusion shop to unlock the corresponding planet.
Bavoom: 1000 Air, 200 Water, 200 Zoo or score 50,000 points in 2:00 Time War.
Boggob: 50 Water, 100 Soil, 600 Herb, 100 Zoo, 1 Glow.
Brabbit: 1,800 Air, 150 Fire, 150 Water, 150 Earth, 150 Zap, 150 Herb, 150 Zoo, 1 Soul.
Cavious: 1 Air, 400 Fire, 1 Water, 2,000 Earth, 500 Iron, 400 Zap, 400 Herb, 1 Zoo, 1 Glow, 1 Dark, 2 Time.
Dawndus: 300 Air, 1200 Fire, 300 Earth, 700 Herb, 700 Zoo, 10 Glow.
Frizam: 100 Air, 200 Water.
Florias: 1 Soul.
Forte: 2,980 Earth, 1 Zoo, 8 Dark.
Freaze: 100 Air, 200 Water.
Gerugeru: 666 Fire, 666 Earth, 666 Animal, 3 Dark.
Gigagush: 20 Air, 10 Fire, 30 Water, 300 Iron, 1500 Zoo, 30 Dark, 1 Soul.
Globin: 4444 Zoo, 666 Dark, 3 Soul.
Grannest: 400 Iron, 400 Zap or go through the Straight Route in Star Trip mode.
Gravitas: 1221 Earth, 1441 Iron, 121 Zap, 161 Zoo, 1 Time.
Hevendor: 777 Air, 777 Fire, 777 Water, 777 Earth, 777 Iron, 777 Zap, 777 Herb, 777 Zoo, 77 Glow, 77 Dark, 1 Soul, 1 Time.
Hotted: 4,000 Fire, 800 Iron, 50 Dark, 2 Soul.
Jeljel: 666 Fire, 666 Soil, 666 Zoo, 3 Dark or obtain another player's profile.
Jyagonbo: 50 Water, 100 Earth, 600 Plant, 100 Animal, 1 Light.
Lastar: 1500 Glow, 2 Time.
Layer Zero: 256 Air, 256 Fire, 256 Water, 256 Earth, 256 Metal, 256 Electric, 256 Plant, 256 Animal, 64 Light, 64 Dark.
Luna-Luna: 1500 Fire, 1500 Earth, 1500 Iron, 100 Zap, 100 Herb, 100 Dark, 2 Soul.
MegaDome: 200 Air, 200 Fire, 100 Water, 100 Earth.
Mekks: 1,024 Iron, 800 Zap.
Meteo: 5,000 Air, 5,000 Fire, 5,000 Water, 5,000 Earth, 3,000.
Iron, 3,000 Zap, 2,000 Herb, 2,000 Zoo, 1,000 Glow, 1,000 Dark, 5 Soul, 5 Time.
Starii: 2,500 Herb, 2,500 Zoo, 500 Glow, 3 Time.
Suburbion: 78 Air, 75 Water, 77 Fire, 1200 Dark, 2 Soul.
Thirnova: 1,000 Fire, 2,800 Zap, 400 Glow, 2 Time.
Vubble: 2500 Air, 3000 Water, 80 Glow, 1 Time or see all seven endings for the Branch Route in Star Trip mode.
Wiral: 500 Iron, 2,000 Zap, 50 Glow, 1 Time.
Wuud: 800 Water, 3,000 Herb, 1 Soul.
Yooj: 4,000 Air, 500 Fire, 1,000 Water, 100 Glow, 1 Time.
Rare Metals:
Get nine or more endings to unlock the following Rare Metals at the Fusion menu.
Soul: 500 Fire, 500 H20, 500 Zap, 500 Zoo, 200 Glow Meteos.
Time: 500 Air, 500 Soil, 500 Iron, 500 Herb, 200 Dark Meteos.
Ending 1: 1 Soul.
Ending 2 1 Time.
Ending 3: 1 Time.
Hidden ending:
Get over 500,000 points in Star Trip Straight mode to see the "A Miracle Reborn" ending. Alternately, successfully complete Star Trip Straight mode under the hardest difficulty setting.