Winning is just a click away

Yoshi Story Codes -

Adjust stage select display:
Press C-Left or C-Right to turn the display, or press R or Z to adjust the zoom.

Select Yoshi's color in practice mode:
Select any course under "Trial" mode. Select the desired Yoshi and press Start, then press Start + Z. Press B and being practice mode with that color Yoshi.

Mario Paint theme song:
Enter the "Time Trial" menu and listed to the game theme eight times.

Press Z + L + A + B.

Restore Yoshi:
Locate and get a white Shy Guy. Complete the current level and enter the character selection screen for the next level. Select the Shy Guy to restore one of the dead Yoshis. Note: If no Yoshis have been lost, the white Shy Guy will not appear.

Special message:
Collect six melons in a row during a mini-game to get a heart fruit. Eat the fruit to create a letter made from coins at the end of the mini-game. If you use the letters in the order of appearance by level, they spell the following phrase: "YOU ARE YOSHI'S GREAT PARTNER".

Purple Yoshi:
Collect all the coins from every level.
