Winning is just a click away

Yoshi's Story Codes -

Adjust stage select display:
Press C-Left or C-Right to turn the display, or press R or Z to adjust the zoom.

Select Yoshi's color in practice mode:
Select any course under "Trial" mode. Select the desired Yoshi and press Start , then press Start + Z . Press B and being practice mode with that color Yoshi.

Mario Paint theme song:
Enter the "Time Trial" menu and listed to the game theme eight times.

Press Z + L + A + B .

Restore Yoshi:
Locate and get a white Shy Guy. Complete the current level and enter the character selection screen for the next level. Select the Shy Guy to restore one of the dead Yoshis. Note: If no Yoshis have been lost, the white Shy Guy will not appear.

Special message:
Collect six melons in a row during a mini-game to get a heart fruit. Eat the fruit to create a letter made from coins at the end of the mini-game. If you use the letters in the order of appearance by level, they spell the following phrase: "YOU ARE YOSHI'S GREAT PARTNER".

Purple Yoshi:
Collect all the coins from every level.

Gold Yoshi:
To unlock Gold Yoshi, get all levels in time trial mode. Then, in time trial mode, get all coins and place first in top five, with all levels. Finally, complete story mode without dying and find black and white Yoshi.
