Winning is just a click away

Speed Kings Codes -

Master code:
Submit the name borkbork. This code also unlocks the Secret Nevada meet, the Casino Run course, and six more leathers, all GP modes, all bikes, all lids, and lap times.

Respect points:
Begin your new game and submit the name .resp followed by a space and a number (for example, .resp 30) to begin with the indicated amount of respect. REMEMBER: Enter .resp54 to unlock all six respect bikes.

Finish all nine driving tests with gold:
Begin your new game and submit the name .test9.

Win all six meets:
Begin your new game and submit the name .meet6.

New meets, street racer bikes, and more courses:
Begin your new game and submit the name .meet4. You will unlock the New England, Detroit, London, and the Swiss Alps meets; five street racer bikes; and sixteen additional single race, time attack, trick attack, and head to head mode courses.

GP Mode completed:
Begin your new game and submit the name .prix.

Additional mirrored GP modes:
Enter .prix3 to unlock three more mirrored modes in the Grand Prix.

Best laps:
Begin your new game and submit the name .lapt18.

Quick start:
Hold Gas + Square, then release Square after the countdown.


Wheelie: Hold the Left Analog-stick Back.
Standing Wheelie: Press Trick + Left Analog-stick Back.
Surfing Wheelie: Press Trick + Kick/Punch + Left Analog-stick Back.
Cross Surfing Wheelie: Press Trick + Left Analog-stick Back + Front Brake + Kick/Punch.
Endo: Press Left Analog-stick Forward + Front Brake.
Surfing Powerdown: Press Trick + Left Analog-stick Forward + Power Down.
Handstand Powerdown: Press Trick + Skid + Left Analog-stick Forward + Power Down.
Surfing: Press Trick + Left Analog-stick Forward, then Left Analog-stick Back.
Handstand: Press Trick + Left Analog-stick Forward, then Kick/Punch
Pavement Ride: Trick + Left Analog-stick Forward, then Skid.
Donut: Hold Brake + Gas and turn in one direction with the Left Analog-stick.
