Winning is just a click away

Go Go Hypergrind Codes -

Level select:
Submit the code OPENSESAME in the cheat prompt.

All board designs:
Submit the code PRETTYBOARDS in the cheat prompt.

All board attributes:
Submit the code DECKCOLLECTOR in the cheat prompt.

All figures:
Submit the code COOLDUDES in the cheat prompt.

All wheels:
Submit the code NEEDMORESPEED in the cheat prompt.

All gear:
Submit the code TONSOFJUNK in the cheat prompt.

All illustrations:
Submit the code NOTPICASSO in the cheat prompt.

All bonuses:
Submit the code PANDORASBOX in the cheat prompt.

Negative reactions disabled:
Submit the code REACTIONPROOF in the cheat prompt.

Unlock Vert:
Submit the code LOOSETIGER in the cheat prompt.

Unlock Vert and Kevin:
Submit the code BUTIEANDBEAST in the cheat prompt.

All character FMV sequences:
Submit the code MOVIEFREAK in the cheat prompt.
