Winning is just a click away

Tactics Ogre Gaiden: The Knight Of Lodies Codes -

Music test:
Enter MUSIC_ON as a name at the character screen for either the main character or a character that you are buying.

Delete saved data:
Enter DEL_DATA as a name at the character screen for either the main character or a character that you are buying to delete all current files.

Character and item duplication:
Note: This trick requires a link cable and another Tactics Ogre game. Make a backup save of the character and items to be duplicated. Go into your backup save. Trade off your item or character with the other game then reset your game. Reload it then load your original game and trade off again to get your character or item. Repeat this as many times as needed.

Lock all characters except the one to be duplicated. Equip the character to be duplicated with any weapons/armors/spells that you want to duplicate. Hire two soldiers (or use any two that you do not care if lost) and put them at the end in "XYZ" order, with the one to be duplicated last "Z". Get into a fight, using character "Y" in the battle and allow him to be killed. This does not have to be real battle, however if its training the character has to use a Snapdragon. After winning the battle, go to the menu, select "Sort" then "Execute". Confirm it, then cancel all the way out by pressing B. Go to any shop and sell all equipment that the duplicated character had equipped, including spells. To sell the items, sell 99 of it, then sell 58 plus however many you originally had and you will end up with 99 of that item. When done, you will have two characters with the same stats, name, items, and 99 of all equipment and spells that character had originally had, plus more money.

Hint: Easy emblem:
Go Tosolea and buy one to five level 1 Fairies. Bring them into a training match with whoever you want to get emblems and put him on team A and the Fairies on team B. Make sure the Fairies have no armor or weapons. Since they are so weak, you should be able to hit them and get emblems easily (such as War God, Berserk Knight, Certificate Lancer. Philosopher's Stone. Animal Hunter, and more).

Hint: Easy training:
If you need to train more but do not want to waste your time issuing commands, go into training, press R, go to "System", then "Control Setup", and switch both teams to COM mode.

If you intend to do some major leveling up, go to training mode. Place your character with highest level and the character you want to train on the same team. Place any character in the other team. Order the character you want to train to back-stab the character with the highest level. After the character finishes his turn, end the entire team turn. Then, end the opponent's team turn -- just concentrate on back-stabbing. Remember to get the Miracle Emblem to counter the Bogus Hero Emblem.

Hint: Easy money and rare items:
Note: This trick requires the "Numida Chronology" for quest mode. Go to quest mode and select this Chronology, since it is free and unbelievably easy. You have an option to set how many turns to defeat the leader or all enemies. The greater the challenge, the better the prize. Since all of the enemies' levels are "15", try this at a very high level to get the best results. Your prize can range anywhere from 25 to 3000 Goth, and Ultra-rare items such as the Sandstorm Bow.

Hint: Easy win:
The game uses a system in which all of your enemies are one to two levels higher than your leader. There is a simple way to turn this into an advantage. Train up your followers, but keep your leader about three levels lower than they are. Note: This does not work in quest mode.

Hint: Four Element Katanas:
Go to the Batraal chronology. Next, choose "Defeat All". Set the turns to either 3 or 6. You may be able to get the Four Element Katanas by playing it repeatedly.
