Winning is just a click away

Ratatouille Codes -


Enter X4V!3RJ as a password.

All bonus pictures:
Enter 3R1CQRR as a password.

Level select:
Enter H3L!X3! as a password. Press L or R at the chapter selection screen to choose a starting level.

All mini-games:
Enter JV4ND1Z as a password.

Level passwords:
Level Password
Chapter 1: Mable's Farmhouse ?J94CBD
Chapter 2: Court Yard 1 G!!5WDX
Chapter 2: Food Safe 1 DR!1FF?
Chapter 2: Kitchen 1 QFP2ND4
Chapter 2: Paris Streets 1 3PZS1DM
Chapter 3: Court Yard 2 DVDY?GW
Chapter 3: Food Safe 2 BHQNNJD
Chapter 3: Kitchen 2 !WK1YG4
Chapter 3: Paris Streets 2 B!WHRHT
Chapter 3: Roof Tops 2 X?7M3GY
Chapter 4: Court Yard 3 4PTVKK1
Chapter 4: Food Safe 3 2B5KYLL
Chapter 4: Kitchen 3 2MYX8JW
Chapter 4: Paris Streets 3 26?D2K1
Chapter 4: Roof Tops 3 SXJKBK8
