Mario Tennis: Power Tower Codes -
Peach Dome court:
Win the Peach tournament.
Bowser Star character:
Defeat Bowser in the Peach tournament.
Donkey Kong Star character:
Defeat Donkey Kong in the Peach tournament.
Luigi Star character:
Defeat Luigi in the Peach tournament.
Mario Star character:
Defeat Mario in the Peach tournament.
Peach Star Character:
Defeat Peach in the Peach tournament.
Waluigi Star Character:
Defeat Waluigi in the Peach tournament.
Exhibition mode characters:
Defeat the indicated character in singles mode at the listed location
to unlock them as playable in Exhibition mode.
Barb (Island Open)
Chris (Junior Courts)
Elroy (Center Court)
Emi (Senior Courts)
Gary (Senior Courts)
Kyoko (Senior Courts)
Mason (Junior Courts)
Paula (Center Court)
Roy (Senior Courts)
Sasha (Junior Courts)
Sass (Island Open)
Sophia (Junior Courts)
Tori (Center Court)
Whisker (Center Court)
Willy (Island Open)
Defeat the indicated character and his or her partner in Doubles mode at the
listed location to unlock that person as playable in Exhibition mode.
Chad: Defeat Chad and Mason on the Junior Courts.
Chas: Defeat Chas and Mel in the Island Open.
Dweezil: Defeat Dweezil and Mynx in the Island Open.
Flit: Defeat Flit and Emi on the Center Court.
Jet: Defeat Jet and Gary on the Senior Courts.
Kyle: Defeat Kyleand Chris on the Junior Courts.
Linda: Defeat Linda and Shawn on the Senior Courts.
Meg: Defeat Meg and Sophia on the Junior Courts.
Mel: Defeat Mel and Chas in the Island Open.
Micki: Defeat Micki and Kyoko on the Senior Courts.
Mynx: Defeat Mynx and Dweezil in the Island Open.
Shawn: Defeat Shawn and Linda on the Senior Courts.
Sheri: Defeat Sheri and Willy in the Island Open.
Silvia: Defeat Silvia and Sasha on the Junior Courts.
Skipper: Defeat Skipper and Roy on the Center Court.
Mini-games option:
Get Max or Tina to level 2.
Alternately, successfully complete any mini-game in Story mode.
Level 5:
Defeat all the characters with the same character in level 4
exhibition mode.
Technical difficulty:
Successfully complete Power Tour mode under the normal difficulty
setting. The Technical difficulty setting will now be unlocked in Power Tour