Digimon Battle Spirit Codes -
An extra comes with Gabumon. He is the same as the first one, only with a different digivolution and can float.
Information in this section was contributed by Shrivermw.
Black Agumon and Black WarGreymon:
Successfully complete the game two times with two different characters.
Gabumon and Omnimon:
Successfully complete game with all default Digimon, Lopmon, and Black Agumon.
Complete the game with 300 or more D-Spirit, and having defeated Impmon.
Lopmon and Kerpymon:
Successfully complete the game with three characters (except the ones used to get Black Agumon.) to unlock Lopmon.
Hint: Colors:
Guilmon's colors are orange and red.
Terriermon's colors are green and gray
Renamon's colors are yellow and silver
Veemon's colors are blue and green
Wormmon's colors are green and blue
Agumon's colors are orange and darkcrem
Sukamon's colors are yellow and cream
Black Agumon's colors are black and blue