Winning is just a click away

Rez Codes -

Area 2:
Successfully complete Area 1.

Area 3:
Successfully complete Area 2.

Area 4:
Successfully complete Area 3.

Area 5:
Get a 100% ranking in Area 1 through Area 4.

Lost Area:
Successfully complete Area 5 in the default game to unlock Lost Area in the beyond mode menu. Alternately, accumulate a total of five hours of game play.

Get the first place ranking in Lost Area.

Direct Assault (normal):
Successfully complete Area 5 to unlock Direct Assault (normal) in the beyond mode menu.

Direct Assault (ambient):
Successfully complete Direct Assault (normal).

Direct Assault (punk):
Successfully complete Direct Assault (ambient).

Direct Assault (old skool):
Successfully complete Direct Assault (punk).

Direct Assault (psychedelic):
Successfully complete Direct Assault (old skool).

Direct Assault (trance):
Successfully complete Direct Assault (psychedelic).

Laser 1:
Successfully complete any combination of levels in Score Attack five times.

Laser 2:
Successfully complete any combination of levels in Score Attack ten times.

Laser 3:
Successfully complete any combination of levels in Score Attack fifteen times.

Laser 4:
Successfully complete any combination of levels in Score Attack twenty times.

Laser 5:
Successfully complete any combination of levels in Score Attack twenty five times.

Laser 6:
Successfully complete any combination of levels in Score Attack thirty times.

Bonus score attack Areas:
Various Areas are unlocked in score attack mode when they are completed during the default game.

Bonus beam types:
Six different beam types can be unlocked by completing any combination of Areas in score attack mode. A new beam type is unlocked every five times this is done. After the Areas are completed 30 times, all bonus beam types will be unlocked.

Near view:
Get the first place ranking in two Areas in score attack mode.

Far view:
Get the first place ranking in three Areas in score attack mode.

Dynamic view:
Get the first place ranking in four Areas in score attack mode.

First person view:
Get the first place ranking in five Areas in score attack mode.

Zero Form and Second Form player skin:
Get a 100% ranking in any Area. Alternately, accumulate a total of five hours of game play.

Third Form player skin:
Get a 100% ranking in any two Areas. Alternately, accumulate a total of six hours of game play.

Fourth Form player skin:
Get a 100% ranking in any three Areas. Alternately, accumulate a total of seven hours of game play.

Fifth Form player skin:
Get a 100% ranking in any four Areas. Alternately, accumulate a total of eight hours of game play.

Final Form player skin:
Get a 100% ranking in any five Areas. Alternately, accumulate a total of nine hours of game play.

Morolien player skin:
Get a 100% ranking in all Areas. Alternately, accumulate a total of ten hours of game play.

Boss rush mode:
Get a 95% ranking in Area 1 through Area 5.

Immortality mode:
Successfully complete the Direct Assault - Trance option in the beyond mode menu.

Over Drive Infinity:
Get the first place ranking in Boss rush mode.
