Winning is just a click away

V8 Supercar Race Driver Codes -

Code notes:
The game's codes are matched to the bonus code of each game, which will vary. The following codes will only work with discs that have the same bonus code.

All cars:
Submit the code XKIMCF (bonus code ?).
Submit the code USRPUY (bonus code 0659).
Submit the code SLDDLS (bonus code 1010).
Submit the code FGZOOY (bonus code 1215).
Submit the code ZROOOY (bonus code 1298).
Submit the code PLSZGF (bonus code 1521).
Submit the code LJLYZF (bonus code 1785).
Submit the code DDYYHY (bonus code 2072).
Submit the code LJQZEL (bonus code 2569).
Submit the code BDVHHA (bonus code 3588).
Submit the code YUPAVP (bonus code 3906).
Submit the code MKWAVP (bonus code 3956).
Submit the code KUPTFI (bonus code 6471).
Submit the code RFINLW (bonus code 6778).
Submit the code IFFYDD (bonus code 7208).
Submit the code WOYHHI (bonus code 8105).
Submit the code LJFCZH (bonus code 8224).
Enter IHHORZ as a code (bonus code 9881).

All tracks:
Submit the code TMYTKO (bonus code ?).
Submit the code DUWCFV (bonus code 0659).
Submit the code GLFFLG (bonus code 1010).
Submit the code FMXWYF (bonus code 1215).
Submit the code FNZWYF (bonus code 1298).
Submit the code YHYXMF (bonus code 1521).
Submit the code MMMHHS (bonus code 1785).
Submit the code NPXSLP (bonus code 2072).
Submit the code DHMFJL (bonus code 2569).
Submit the code DJEWCM (bonus code 3588).
Submit the code VFCMEI (bonus code 3906).
Submit the code ZVIMEI (bonus code 3956).
Submit the code ODCJPY (bonus code 6471).
Submit the code OSAXSL (bonus code 6778).
Submit the code VKRXPN (bonus code 7208).
Submit the code LEZFAS (bonus code 8224).
Submit the code FNJZNF (bonus code 9881).

All championships:
Submit the code FBMUEZ (bonus code 0659).
Submit the code FMXXMF (bonus code 1010).
Submit the code GLFFFI (bonus code 1215).
Submit the code OAPFFI (bonus code 1298).
Submit the code FZYFLG (bonus code 1521).
Submit the code IHHSLP (bonus code 1785).
Submit the code TLYYZF (bonus code 2072).
Submit the code YPJQIN (bonus code 2569).
Submit the code MVQAVP (bonus code 3588).
Submit the code ZEUHHA (bonus code 3906).
Submit the code MZDHHA (bonus code 3956).
Submit the code WLNMHD (bonus code 6471).
Submit the code LWRPUK (bonus code 6778).
Submit the code YOOUJM (bonus code 7208).
Submit the code RBBDSL (bonus code 8224).
Submit the code LJLPAO (bonus code 9881).

All pro challenges:
Submit the code ZFMZNZ (bonus code 0659).
Submit the code FGZZGF (bonus code 1010).
Submit the code SLDRKV (bonus code 1215).
Submit the code VIBRKV (bonus code 1298).
Submit the code FNJYHY (bonus code 1785).
Submit the code MJUHHS (bonus code 2072).
Submit the code IFTBBR (bonus code 2569).
Submit the code TLHMEI (bonus code 3588).
Submit the code ZNZWCM (bonus code 3906).
Submit the code RCVWCM (bonus code 3956).
Submit the code LSXQJL (bonus code 6471).
Submit the code USKCDO (bonus code 6778).
Submit the code FYWYLT (bonus code 7208).
Submit the code NIQRTQ (bonus code 8224).
Submit the code MMMBIV (bonus code 9881).

Different handling:
Submit the code RCVAAB (bonus code 0659).
Submit the code YOOOOY (bonus code 1010).
Submit the code VKRDLS (bonus code 1215).

Submit the code LQJDLS (bonus code 1298).
Submit the code RWMRKV (bonus code 1521).
Submit the code RFIHWL (bonus code 2072).
Submit the code WLNREA (bonus code 2569).
Submit the code LUBTNU (bonus code 3588).
Submit the code BAAYQB (bonus code 3906).
Submit the code YPJCDO (bonus code 6471).
Submit the code DDYQJL (bonus code 6778).
Submit the code FMXIFR (bonus code 7208).
Submit the code QTRJQL (bonus code 9881).

Realistic handling:
Submit the code ZVIBSH (bonus code 0659).
Submit the code FYWXMF (bonus code 1215).

Submit the code TMYXMF (bonus code 1298).
Submit the code KUPRDJ (bonus code 2569).
Submit the code XCCYQB (bonus code 3588).
Submit the code SAFYMT (bonus code 9881).

No damage:
Submit the code MZDCAF (bonus code 0659).
Submit the code FYWWYF (bonus code 1010).
Submit the code IFFFLG (bonus code 1215).

Submit the code EWVFLG (bonus code 1298).
Submit the code OSAMWR (bonus code 2072).
Submit the code LSXGYP (bonus code 2569).
Submit the code CZIKYT (bonus code 3588).
Submit the code FACIFE (bonus code 3906).
Submit the code IFTPUK (bonus code 6471).
Submit the code NPXMHD (bonus code 6778).
Submit the code AERLJL (bonus code 8224).
Submit the code FGZASO (bonus code 7208).
Submit the code PYGMMM (bonus code 8224).
Submit the code LSDVWE (bonus code 9881).

Realistic physics:
Submit the code SIM (any bonus code).

Realistic damage:
Submit the code MKWYOW (bonus code 0659).
Submit the code YOOZGF (bonus code 1215).

Submit the code XKIZGF (bonus code 1298).
Submit the code ODCUXH (bonus code 2569).
Submit the code XQIIFE (bonus code 3588).
Submit the code HZCIKX (bonus code 9881).
Submit the code DAMAGE (any bonus code).

View credits:
Submit the code CREDITS (any bonus code).
