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Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith Codes -

Unlimited health:
Submit the code XUCPHRA at the options screen.

Unlimited Force:
Submit the code KAIBURR at the options screen.

Fast regeneration of Force and health:
Submit the code BELSAVIS at the options screen.

All story missions unlocked:
Submit the code KORRIBAN at the options screen.

All bonus missions unlocked:
Submit the code NARSHADDAA at the options screen.

All duel arenas unlocked:
Submit the code TANTIVEIV at the options screen.

All duelists unlocked:
Submit the code ZABRAK at the options screen.

All movie clips unlocked:
Submit the code COMLINK at the options screen.

All concept art unlocked:
Submit the code AAYLASECURA at the options screen.

All Jedi powers and Force moves:
Submit the code JAINA at the options screen.

Enemies have large lightsabers:
Submit the code SUPERSABERS at the options screen.

Tiny Droid mode:
Submit the code 071779 at the options screen.
