Winning is just a click away

Grand Theft Auto Vice City Codes -

Weapons (tier 1):
While playing the game, push R Trigger , Black , L Trigger , Black , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. Only the least powerful weapons in each category will be unlocked. 

Weapons (tier 2):
While playing the game, push R Trigger , Black , L Trigger , Black , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down (x2), D-Pad Left . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Weapons (tier 3):
While playing the game, push R Trigger , Black , L Trigger , Black , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down (x3). You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Easy Money:
After you buy Sunshine autos, Go down where you enter the races. (If you have the money,) Enter the most expensive race,go outside,enter the cheat for the tank, and start the race. After it says GO!, Blow up all the other racers, (if you don't, it may be fatal) and finish for $40000.

After you buy the Hyman Condo, Go down stairs to enter the races. Enter the most expensive race, Do the code for the tank, and start the race. Once it says GO!, blow up all the other cars, then finish the race for $40000.

While playing the game, push R Trigger , Black , L Trigger , B , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. 

When your car motorcycle etc. is Smoking or has a popped time just do the health code cheat and the car motorcycle etc. Will Be Repaired.
REMEMBER: If you have damage like a broken door, windshield etc. This Cheat Will Not Fix It

While playing the game, push R Trigger , Black , L Trigger , A , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Raise wanted level:
While playing the game, push R Trigger (x2), B , Black , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Lower wanted level:
While playing the game, push R Trigger (x2), B , Black , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Wanted meter:
While playing the game, push B , L Trigger , D-Pad Down , White , D-Pad Left , A , R Trigger , L Trigger , D-Pad Right , A . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. When your wanted level is over two stars, the status of your chase will appear below the wanted stars.

Bloodring Banger (style 1):
While playing the game, push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Right (x2), L Trigger , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , X , White . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Bloodring Banger (style 2):
While playing the game, push D-Pad Down , R Trigger , B , White (x2), A , R Trigger , L Trigger , D-Pad Left (x2). You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

While playing the game, push B , L Trigger , D-Pad Up , R Trigger , White , A , R Trigger , L Trigger , B , A . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Hotring Racer (style 1):
While playing the game, push R Trigger , B , Black , D-Pad Right , L Trigger , White , A (x2), X , R Trigger . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Hotring Racer (style 2):
While playing the game, push Black , L Trigger , B , D-Pad Right , L Trigger , R Trigger , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , B , Black . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Love Fist Limousine:
While playing the game, push Black , D-Pad Up , White , D-Pad Left (x2), R Trigger , L Trigger , B , D-Pad Right . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Rhino tank:
While playing the game, push B (x2), L Trigger , B (x3), L Trigger , White , R Trigger , Y , B , Y . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Romero's Hearse:
While playing the game, push D-Pad Down , Black , D-Pad Down , R Trigger , White , D-Pad Left , R Trigger , L Trigger , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Sabre Turbo:
While playing the game, push D-Pad Right , White , D-Pad Down , White (x2), A , R Trigger , L Trigger , B , D-Pad Left . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

While playing the game, push B , R Trigger , B , R Trigger , D-Pad Left (x2), R Trigger , L Trigger , B , D-Pad Right . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Aggressive traffic:
While playing the game, push Black , B , R Trigger , White , D-Pad Left , R Trigger , L Trigger , Black , White . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Pink traffic:
While playing the game, push B , L Trigger , D-Pad Down , White , D-Pad Left , A , R Trigger , L Trigger , D-Pad Right , B . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

White traffic:
While playing the game, push B , White , D-Pad Up , R Trigger , D-Pad Left , A , R Trigger , L Trigger , D-Pad Left , B . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Increase your vehicle's top speed:
While playing the game, push D-Pad Right , R Trigger , D-Pad Up , White (x2), D-Pad Left , R Trigger , L Trigger , R Trigger (x2). You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Dodo car (flying):
While playing the game, push D-Pad Right , Black , B , R Trigger , White , D-Pad Down , L Trigger , R Trigger . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. Accelerate and While playing the game, push L-Stick Back to glide. 

Dodo boats (flying):
While playing the game, push Black , B , D-Pad Up , L Trigger , D-Pad Right , R Trigger , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , X , Y . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Car floats on water:
While playing the game, push D-Pad Right , Black , B , R Trigger , White , X , R Trigger , Black . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. REMEMBER: This code also allows helicopters to land and float on the water.

Change wheel size:
While playing the game, push R Trigger , A , Y , D-Pad Right , Black , X , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , X . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. The wheels of some vehicles will become larger, while others will become smaller. Repeat this code to increase its effect.

Destroy cars:
While playing the game, push Black , White , R Trigger , L Trigger , White , Black , X , Y , B , Y , White , L Trigger . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Better driving skills:
While playing the game, push Y , R Trigger (x2), D-Pad Left , R Trigger , L Trigger , Black , L Trigger . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. Click the Left Stick or Right Stick to jump while driving.

Pedestrians riot:
While playing the game, push D-Pad Down , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Left , A , Black , R Trigger , White , L Trigger . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. REMEMBER: This code cannot be disabled.

Pedestrians attack you:
While playing the game, push D-Pad Down , D-Pad Up (x3), A , Black , R Trigger , White (x2). You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. REMEMBER: This code cannot be disabled.

Pedestrians have weapons:
While playing the game, push Black , R Trigger , A , Y , A , Y , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. REMEMBER: This code cannot be disabled.

Police return from dead:
While playing the game, push B , L Trigger , D-Pad Down , White , D-Pad Left , A , R Trigger , L Trigger , D-Pad Right , A . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Pedestrian costume:
While playing the game, push D-Pad Right (x2), D-Pad Left , D-Pad Up , L Trigger , White , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. Repeat this code to cycle through the various pedestrian costumes. REMEMBER: You can also change your appearance to a cop.

Candy Suxxx costume:
While playing the game, push B , Black , D-Pad Down , R Trigger , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , R Trigger , L Trigger , A , White . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. 

Hilary King costume:
While playing the game, push R Trigger , B , Black , L Trigger , D-Pad Right , R Trigger , L Trigger , A , Black . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. 

Ken Rosenberg costume:
While playing the game, push D-Pad Right , L Trigger , D-Pad Up , White , L Trigger , D-Pad Right , R Trigger , L Trigger , A , R Trigger . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. 

Lance Vance costume:
While playing the game, push B , White , D-Pad Left , A , R Trigger , L Trigger , A , L Trigger . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. 

Jezz Torrent (Love Fist musician) costume:
While playing the game, push D-Pad Down , L Trigger , D-Pad Down , White , D-Pad Left , A , R Trigger , L Trigger , A (x2). You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. 

Dick (Love Fist musician) costume:
While playing the game, push R Trigger , White , Black , L Trigger , D-Pad Right , Black , D-Pad Left , A , X , L Trigger . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. 

Mercedes costume:
While playing the game, push Black , L Trigger , D-Pad Up , L Trigger , D-Pad Right , R Trigger , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , B , Y . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. 

Phil Cassidy costume:
While playing the game, push D-Pad Right , R Trigger , D-Pad Up , Black , L Trigger , D-Pad Right , R Trigger , L Trigger , D-Pad Right , B . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. 

Ricardo Diaz costume:
While playing the game, push L Trigger , White , R Trigger , Black , D-Pad Down , L Trigger , Black , White . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. 

Sonny Forelli costume:
While playing the game, push B , L Trigger , B , White , D-Pad Left , A , R Trigger , L Trigger , A (x2). You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. 

While playing the game, push D-Pad Right , White , D-Pad Down , R Trigger , D-Pad Left (x2), R Trigger , L Trigger , White , L Trigger . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. REMEMBER: This will also restore your default costume.

Slower game play:
While playing the game, push Y , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Down , X , Black , R Trigger . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

If you make a unique stunt move and the game goes into slow motion while in mid air, the effects of this code will be disabled.

Faster game play:
While playing the game, push Y , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Down , White , L Trigger , X . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

If you make a unique stunt move and the game goes into slow motion while in mid air, the effects of this code will be disabled.

Faster game clock:
While playing the game, push B (x2), L Trigger , X , L Trigger , X (x3), L Trigger , Y , B , Y . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Normal weather:
While playing the game, push Black , A , L Trigger (x2), White (x3), D-Pad Down . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Sunny weather:
While playing the game, push Black , A , L Trigger (x2), White (x3), Y . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Rainy weather:
While playing the game, push Black , A , L Trigger (x2), White (x3), B . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Foggy weather:
While playing the game, push Black , A , L Trigger (x2), White (x3), A . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Overcast skies:
While playing the game, push Black , A , L Trigger (x2), White (x3), X . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Bikini women with guns:
While playing the game, push D-Pad Right , L Trigger , B , White , D-Pad Left , A , R Trigger , L Trigger (x2), A . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. The women will drop guns when they are killed.

You also change your bodyguards (men in blue jackets) to bikini women. They won't fight, but have very good guns.

Tommy groupies:
While playing the game, push B , A , L Trigger (x2), Black , A (x2), B , Y . You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

After this code is enabled and you get some women to follow you, aim your gun at someone and they will attack your target.
