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Brute Force Codes -

Every mission map:
Make a profile name with VENGAR, and begin a new game. You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. All of the missions in the game will be unlocked and available at the start.

Every character:
Make a profile name with GARNER, and begin a new game. You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. All single and multi-player mode characters will be unlocked.

Brutus' special changes:
Make a profile name with GARNERVEN, and begin a new game. You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. Brutus' special meter will last longer, and attacks be more powerful.

Brutus' appearence changes:
Make a profile name with GARVEN, and begin a new game. You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. Brutus' will look different and his attacks will be more powerful.

Cartoon mode:
Make a profile name with HVYMTL. During the game, everything looks like a cartoon, with coloring book-style models, blood resembling paint, lava with a paper feel, and different level layouts. REMEMBER: You may need to see the ending once before this code has any effect.

Stronger characters:
Make a profile name with MATTSOELL. Also, you may need to see the ending once before this code has any effect.

Rapid fire weapons:
Make a profile name with RAPIDFIRE.  REMEMBER: You may need to see the ending once before this code has any effect.

Dumber enemies:
Make a profile name with SPRAGNT.  REMEMBER: You may need to see the ending once before this code has any effect.

Better aim:
Make a profile name with DEADAIM. REMEMBER: You may need to see the ending once before this code has any effect.

Higher defense:
Make a profile name with ERINROBERTS. Projectiles can be dodged and defense is slightly increased. REMEMBER: You may need to see the ending once before this code has any effect.

Quicker death:
Make a profile name with DBLDAY.  REMEMBER: You may need to see the ending once before this code has any effect.

Tougher game:
Make a profile name with BRUTAL. This code completely beefs up the enemy AI and seems to change their behaviors. Even under the Standard difficulty setting they will ambush you, find a way to hunt you, and come flailing out in order to kill you. They will take the same amount of hits, but be much harder to put down, thus making the entire game harder. They drag themselves away when wounded, similarly to the original previews of the game or when you fight the Halo aliens under the Legendary difficulty setting. REMEMBER: You may need to see the ending once before this code has any effect.
