Winning is just a click away

Backyard Wrestling Codes -

Master code:
Hold L Trigger and press A , X , Y , B , A , X , Y , B at the main menu.

Cheat option:
Hold L Trigger and press A , Y , A , Y , B at the main menu. The "Cheats" option will now be unlocked in the option menu.

Invincible players:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name denicholas .

Player one is invincible:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name jche .

Player one has unlimited supers:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name ddaniels .

Player two is invincible:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name cbarlow .

Player two has unlimited supers:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name jmaxwell .

Big heads:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name rtaylor .

Big hands:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name okendall .

Big feet:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name tpiperi .

Big head, big hands, and big feet:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name tho .

Halo mode:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name jgintu .

Ghost mode:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name pjefferies .

Greyscale mode:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name ksimeonov .

Wireframe mode:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name ewilliams .

First person camera:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name edma .

Toon character:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name pstapley .

Toon backgrounds:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name mbilodeau or mstapley .

Hardcore Al difficulty:
When creating a wrestler, submit the name stomanovski

Getting easy Reversals:
Get a CPU opponent to grapple, then rapidly hit Pause until you see your character flash white (this is time to reverse). Quickly unpause and counter with something such as D-Pad Left + X .
