Winning is just a click away

ATV Quad Power Racing 2 Codes -

Master Code:
Submit the profile name GOLD DUST. You will unlock every rider, track, ATV, and bonus.

Every rider:
Submit the profile name BUBBA. You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Every ATV:
Submit the profile name GENERALLEE. You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

All tracks:
Submit the profile name ROADKILL. You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

All tricks:
Submit the profile name FIDDLERSELBOW. You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Maximum stats:
Submit the profile name GINGHAM. You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly. REMEMBER: This also increases the stats of your opponents.

Submit the profile name REDROOSTER. You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.

Submit the profile name DOUBLEBARREL. You will see a message if you have entered the code correctly.  
