Winning is just a click away

X-Squad Codes -

Private rank:
Press Square , Circle , Triangle at the main title screen, the start your game. This results in a game with Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips, and bonus points displayed when earned.

Sergeant rank:
Press Triangle , Circle , Square at the main title screen, the start your game. This results in a game with no weight limit, Taylor M82, Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips and bonus points displayed when earned.

Lieutenant rank:
Press R1 , L2 , L1 , R2 at the main title screen, the start your game. This results in a game with a level 2 shield, no weight limit, Taylor M82, Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips, bonus points displayed when earned, and a 10,000 point bonus when a level is completed.

Captain rank:
Press Circle , R1 , Circle , L1 , Triangle , R2 at the main title screen, the start your game. This results in a game with radar, no weight limit, Taylor M82, Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips and bonus points displayed when earned.

Major rank:
Press L2 , Square , R2 , Triangle , L1 , Circle , R1 at the main title screen, the start your game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield, Level 3 sensor, radar, no weight limit, Taylor M82, Michaels 9mmS, 99 clips and bonus points displayed when earned.

Colonel rank:
Press Triangle , Square , Circle , Square , Triangle , Circle at the main title screen, the start your game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield, level 3 sensor, radar, no weight limit, beginner level of all weapons, 99 clips for each, and bonus points displayed when earned.

General rank:
Press L1 (x2), L2 (x2), R1 (x2), R2 (x2) at the main title screen, the start your game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield, level 3 sensor, radar, no weight limit, intermediate level of all weapons, 99 clips for each and bonus points displayed when earned.

Master of X-Squad rank:
Press Circle (x4), Triangle , Square (x4) at the main title screen, the start your game. This results in a game with a level 3 shield, level 3 sensor, radar, no weight limit, master level of all weapons, 99 clips for each, and bonus points displayed when earned.
