Winning is just a click away

MX Superfly Codes -

Unlock the Master code:
At the main menu, push Triangle , L1 + D-Pad Left , Square , Triangle , L1 + D-Pad Right , R1 + D-Pad Down , R1 + D-Pad Right , Select. If the controller vibrates, then you have entered the code correctly.

Unlock Every character:
At the main menu, push D-Pad Right , L1 + D-Pad Right , D-Pad Down , L1 + D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , Square . If the controller vibrates, then you have entered the code correctly.

Unlock Every bike:
At the main menu, push L2 + Square , L1 + D-Pad Right , L2 + Circle , L1 + D-Pad Left , Square . If the controller vibrates, then you have entered the code correctly.

Unlock All tracks:
At the main menu, push Triangle , D-Pad Right , L1 + R1 , Square + Circle , L2 + Circle , Square . If the controller vibrates, then you have entered the code correctly.

Unlock Station Z:
At the track edit menu, push R2 + Triangle , D-Pad Right , R1 + D-Pad Left , R1 + D-Pad Right , L1 + Square , Square at the track edit menu. If the controller vibrates, then you have entered the code correctly.

Unlock 250 cc Freestyle event:
At the main menu, push D-Pad Up , L1 + D-Pad Up , Square , L1 + D-Pad Right , L2 + D-Pad Down , L1 + D-Pad Left . If the controller vibrates, then you have entered the code correctly.
