Winning is just a click away

MDK2 Armageddon Codes -

Unlock Invincibility:
Pause your game by pushing start, press and hold L2 + R2 and push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Down , Left D-Pad Left , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Right , Square , Triangle , Square , Triangle , then press and hold Select until you can no longer see the pause screen.

Unlock Slow motion:
Start a game with Max, now press and hold R2 and push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Up .

Unlock Kurt in boxer shorts:
At the main menu, press and hold L2 + R2 and push Square , Square , Triangle , Square .

Unlock Mixed character:
Press Start to pause your game, now press and hold L2 + R2 and push D-Pad Up , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Left , X , Triangle , Circle , Square , Square + Start to unlock a character that is part Kurt, Max, and Doctor Hawkins.

Unlock Panning camera view:
Press Start to pause your game, now press and hold L2 + R2 and push Circle , X , Circle , X .

Unlock Crazy camera view:
Press Start to pause your game, now press and hold L2 + R2 and push X , Circle , X , Circle .

Unlock Fixed camera view:
Press Start to pause your game, now press and hold L2 + R2 and push Circle , X , Circle , Triangle .

Unlock Fart sounds from Doctor Hawkins:
Start a game with Doctor Hawkins, then push L2 + R2 + D-Pad Left + X .

