Winning is just a click away

The Great Escape Codes -

Level select:
In the main menu, push Square , L2 , Square , R2 , Circle , R1 , Circle , L1 , L2 , R2 , Circle , Square . This also unlocks The Greatest Escape mode.

Unlimited ammunition and health:
After pausing your game with a gun and health kit in your inventory, then push Square , Circle , L2 , R1 , R2 , L1 , Circle , Square , L1 , R1 , L1 , R1 . You will see a message if you've entered the code correctly.

All FMV sequences:
In the main menu, push L2 , L1 , Square , Circle , Circle , R2 , R1 , Square , Square , Circle , L1 , R1 . You will see a message if you've entered the code correctly.
