Winning is just a click away

Dynasty Warriors 2 Codes -


All generals:
At the title screen, push Square , R1 , Square , R2 , Square , R2 , Square , R1 . You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly. REMEMBER: At the title screen, push Square , Square , L1 , L2 , R1 , R2 , Square , Square in the Japanese version of the game.

Every Shu general:
At the title screen, push Square , Square , R1 , R1 , Square , Square , R2 , R2 to unlock Ma Chao, Jiang Wei, Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and Huang Zhong. You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly. You can also finish Musou mode with any member of the Shu Kingdom. REMEMBER: At the title screen, push Square , R1 (x5), R2 , R2 in the Japanese version of the game.

All Wei generals:
At the title screen, push Square , Square , Square , Square , R2 , R2 , R1 , R1 to unlock Cao Cao, Xiahou Yuan, Zhang Liao, and Sima Yi. You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly. You can also finish Musou mode with any member of the Wei Kingdom. REMEMBER: At the title screen, push Square , Square , Square , L1 , L1 , L2 , L2 , L2 in the Japanese version of the game.

All Wu generals:
At the title screen, push Square , Square , R2 , R2 , R1 , R1 , Square , Square to unlock Taishi Ci , Sun Jian , Sun Quan , Lu Meng , and Gan Ning. You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly. You can also finish Musou mode with any member of the Wu Kingdom. REMEMBER: At the title screen, push Square , Square , L2 , L2 , L2 , L2 , L1 , L1 in the Japanese version of the game.

Opening Edit option:
At the title screen, push R2 , R2 , R2 , L2 , L2 , L2 , R1 , L1 . You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly. An "Opening Edit" selection will be unlocked on the options menu. You can also finish Musou mode with all generals with the exception of Dong Zhuo, Diao Chan, Lu Bu, Yuan Shao, and Zhang Jiao. REMEMBER: At the title screen, push L1 , L2 , R2 , R1 , L1 , L2 , R2 , R1 at the options screen in the Japanese version of the game.

Free mode side selection:
Hold Triangle and At the title screen, push R1 , L1 , L2 , R2 , R1 , L1 , L2 , R2 . You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly.

Free mode level selection:
Hold Square and At the title screen, push L1 , R1 , R2 , L2 , L1 , R1 , R2 , L2 . You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly. Alternately, At the title screen, push L2 , L1 , R1 , R2 , L2 , L1 , R1 , R2 , L2 .

BGM Test option:
At the title screen, push L1 , L1 , L1 , R1 , R1 , R1 , L2 , R2 . You will hear a sound if you have entered the code correctly. Choose the "Sound" selection at the options menu, then choose "BGM Test" to hear all the background music from the game. REMEMBER: At the title screen, push R1 , R1 , R2 , R2 , L1 , L1 , L2 , L2 at the options screen in the Japanese version of the game.
