Winning is just a click away

Powerslave Codes -

All weapons:
Type lobocop or press [Alt] + W.

God mode:
Type lobodeity or press [Alt] + G.

Press [Ctrl] + T.

All items:
Type loboswag.

All keys:
Type lobopick.

Full map:
Type lobosphere.

Disable explosion and gun flashes:
Type lobolite.

Display current coordinates:
Type loboxy.

Command mode:
Type holly. Enter one of the following commands in the space that appears at the top of the screen.
Level select
Type level .

Level skip
Type exit.

Activate all switches
Type doors. This will open all doors and traps.

Summon creature
Type creature to place the corresponding opponent at the current location.

0 - Anubis
1 - Spider
2 - Mummy
3 - Piranha
4 - Basset
5 - Magmantis
6 - Am-Nit
7 - Set
8 - Kilmatikhan
9 - Alien Worker
10 - Alien Worker
11 - Omen Wasp
