Winning is just a click away

Duke Nukem 3-D: Atomic Edition Codes -

Enable God mode:
Type dngodly.

Disable God mode:
Type dnungodly.

Toggle God mode:
Type dncornholio or dnkroz.

Episode and level select:
Type dnwarp or dnscotty to begin game play at the corresponding episode and level.

Episode skip:
Type dnending to end the current episode.

Restart level at new skill level:
Type dnskill to restart the current level at the corresponding skill level.

All weapons:
Type dnweapons.

Full ammunition:
Type dnammo.

Enable "follow" mode:
Type dnview, then press [F7] to view Duke from a few feet behind his position.

Unlock door:
Type dnunlock.

Keys and items:
Type dnitems.

Keys, weapons and ammunition:
Type dnstuff.

Display frame rate:
Type dnrate to display the current frame rate in the top left corner of the screen.

Disable collision detection:
Type dnclip. Duke may now walk through walls. Note: Enabling this code may crash the computer.

Steroid mode:
Type dnhyper.

Type dncashman, then press [Space] for additional money.

Hidden message:
Hold [Shift] and type F*.
