Winning is just a click away

Descent 3 Codes -

Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Codes may not be enabled in multi-player mode.

Full maptreesquid
Level skipmoreclang
Get damagedtuberacer
Strange graphic texturesshananigans
Chase viewbyebyemonkey
Display frame rateframelength or frametime
Invincibilityburgergod or burgerking
Destroy all botsdeadofnight
All weapons, energy, shieldsivegotit
No shields or energygowingnut
Sun changes to Teletubbies versionteletubbies

Cheat mode (demo version):
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Codes may not be enabled in multi-player mode.

Kill all enemies in minefreeitup
Full shield, energy, all weapons, 500 of each missileblimpiebest
All weaponsdumpiebest
View framerateframetime
Chase viewlongchimp
God modeqeziresr
Strange texturesweirdtexture
Permanent cloakaphrodite

Multi-player codes (demo version):
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Display frame rateframetime
Chase view perspectivelongchimp
Toggle random pattern textures; scrambles automap and main menuweirdtexture
Weaker shipgabbagabbahey
Weaker shipzingermans
Weaker shipmotherlode
Weaker shipalifalafel
Weaker shipeatangelos
Weaker shipgowingnut
Weaker shipfreespace
Weaker shipdelshiftb
Weaker shipfopkjewa
Weaker shipahwlmbpf
Weaker shiphonestbob
Weaker shipfarmerjoe
