Winning is just a click away

Creatures Playground Codes -

Hint: Caveman Norn:
Go fishing until you get a bone. Complete the ghost ride. Go in the red jet-ski in the snow/space area, In the cave, crack all the rocks. In the mine, walk up to the bones. You should now have a caveman Norn. If you open the gate with the dragon when the caveman is near, the dragon should be scared off and you will get a part of the puzzle.

Hint: Alien Norn:
Bo to the space ship (near the snow area). In the background, you should find a gold door (similar to the one with the rocket). Click it and an alien will appear. Note: You cannot control the creatures until it is full sized.

Hint: Town Square bonuses:
The following things can be found in the village area. You must have merged Creatures Adventures and Playground to do this. Note: You will have a camera for your ride as soon as you merge.
Rainbow (make your own ride): Click on the plant that is by the lift.
Skull Fort (make your own ride): Click on the mother duck.
Melon Candy Floss: Click on the till in the clothes shop.
