Winning is just a click away

The Sims 2: Castaway Codes -

Good relations:
Give the following people the indicated gifts to keep them happy.

Chef Butcher: Zucchini and Eggs 
Dr. Feelgood: Nothing (she is always happy) 
Ms Weeder: Bananas 
Suzy McDress: Chocolate Bar, Soda and Cheese 

Use the following rocks to get the corresponding bug.

Azure Bug: At the Raw Food area and Vine area rocks. 
Black Bug: At the Raw Food area, Vine area, Canoe End area and Easel area rocks. 
Blue Bug: At the Raw Food area and Canoe End area rocks (Perfect). 
Brown Bug: At the Sewing area rock. 
Fuchsia Bug: At the Vine area rock (Perfect). 
Green Bug: At the Vine area (Perfect) and the Easel area rocks. 
Jade Bug: At the Easel area rock (Perfect). 
Orange Bug: At the Sewing area and Easel area rocks. 
Pink Bug: At the Vine area rock. 
Purple Bug: At the Canoe End area rock (Perfect). 
Red Bug: At the Canoe End area rock. 
Tan Bug: At the Sewing area rock (Perfect). 
Turquoise Bug: At the Sewing area Rock (Perfect). 
White Bug: At the Raw Food area and Canoe End area rocks. 
Yellow Bug: At the Sewing Area and Easel area rocks. 

