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Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith Codes -

Anakin's Starfighter:
Defeat the Anakin Skywalker bot under the default settings to unlock his ship in multi-player mode.

Darth Vader's TIE Fighter:
Defeat the Darth Vader bot under the default settings to unlock his ship in multi-player mode.

General Grevious's Starfighter:
Defeat the General Grievous bot under the default settings to unlock his ship in multi-player mode.

Millennium Falcon:
Defeat the Han Solo bot under the default settings to unlock his ship in multi-player mode.

Slave I:
Defeat the Jango Fett bot under the default settings to unlock his ship in multi-player mode.

Defeat the Luke Skywalker bot under the default settings to unlock his ship in multi-player mode.

Anakin: Master difficulty:
Defeat Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan: Special mission 1 (Pursuit Of The Separatists):
Successfully complete Obi-Wan's Utapau Control Center mission.

Obi-Wan: Special mission 3 (Escape From Utapau):
Successfully complete Obi-Wan's Jedi Temple Entrance mission.

Obi-Wan: Master difficulty:
Defeat Anakin

Force upgrades for Anakin:
Matt delassus:
Saber Throw level 1: Throws lightsaber. 
Saber Throw level 2: Throws lightsaber with minimal control and damage. 
Saber Throw level 3: Throws lightsaber with maximum control and damage. 
Absorb Throw level 1: Drains enemy's life into fury (6 HP/sec). 
Absorb Throw level 2: Drains enemy's life into fury (16 HP/sec). 
Absorb Throw level 3: Drains enemy's life into fury (30 HP/sec). 
Force pull level 1: Pulls an enemy. 
Force pull level 2: Pulls an enemy and inflicts minimal damage. 
Force pull level 3: Pulls an enemy and inflicts maximum damage. 
Force Push level 1: Pushes an enemy. 
Force Push level 2: Pushes an enemy and inflicts minimal damage. 
Force Push level 3: Pushes an enemy and inflicts maximum damage. 
Rage level 1: Increases damage for the next three hits (damage X2). 
Rage level 2: Increases damage for the next four hits (damage X3). 
Rage level 3: Increases damage for the next five hits (damage X3). 
Choke level 1: Breaks droids inner circuits/chokes humans (one enemy, 60 HP in 2 seconds). 
Choke level 2: Breaks droids inner circuits/chokes humans (two enemies, 64 HP in 2 seconds). 
Choke level 3: Breaks droids inner circuits/chokes humans (three enemies, 75 HP in 1.5 seconds). 

Force upgrades for Obi-Wan:
Force Speed level 1: Increases the speed of movement by 25% for 3 seconds. 
Force Speed level 2: Increases the speed of movement by 50% for 3 seconds. 
Force Speed level 3: Increases the speed of movement by 50% for 5 seconds. 
Force Heal level 1: Heals 15 HP/sec. 
Force Heal level 2: Heals 30 HP/sec. 
Force Heal level 3: Heals 60 HP/sec. 
Force Pull level 1: Pull an enemy. 
Force Pull level 2: Pull an enemy and inflicts minimal damage. 
Force Pull level 3: Pull an enemy and inflicts maximum damage. 
Force Push level 1: Knocks one enemy to the floor. 
Force Push level 2: Knocks two enemies to the floor. 
Force Push level 3: Knocks three enemies to the floor. 
Force Shield level 1: Immune to blasters for 3 seconds. 
Force Shield level 2: Immune to blasters and stun projectiles for 3 seconds. 
Force Shield level 3: Invincible for 3 seconds. 
Mind Trick level 1: Stuns one enemy for 2 seconds. 
Mind Trick level 2: Stuns three enemies for 2 seconds. 
Mind Trick level 3: Stuns enemy for 2 seconds.
