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Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Codes -

+1 million studs:
Press Start , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , L , D-Pad Down , Select , L , R at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

+3 million studs:
Press Start (x2), D-Pad Down (x2), D-Pad Left (x2), D-Pad Up (x2), Select at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Note: This code can only be enabled one time.

Debug and Debug Multiplayer options:
Press D-Pad Up , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , D-Pad Up , D-Pad Left , D-Pad Down , D-Pad Right , R , L , Start , Select at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Bonus Touch Game 1:
Press D-Pad Up (x2), D-Pad Down , L (x2), R (x2) at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Mini-kit bonuses:
Collect the ten hidden mini-kit parts in the following levels to unlock the corresponding ship for viewing. The ship can be seen in the room marked with the Mini-kit icon. When all 300 mini-kit parts are collected, a bonus mini-kit of the Rebel Blockade Runner is unlocked.

Episode 1

Level 1: Republic Cruiser 
Level 2: Naboo Royal Starship 
Level 3: Sebulba's Podracer 
Level 4: Naboo N-1 Starfighter 
Level 5: Sith Infitrator 
All Episode 1 mini-kits: Gungan Bongo 

Episode 2

Level 1: Jedi Starfighter 
Level 2: Droideka 
Level 3: Republic Attack Gunship 
Level 4: AT-TE Walker 
Level 5: Geonosian Solar Sailer 
All Episode 2 mini-kits: Zam Wesell's Airspeeder 

Episode 3

Level 1: Republic AT-TE Drop Ship 
Level 2: Jedi Starfighter 
Level 3: Wookie Flying Catamaran 
Level 4: ARC-170 Starfighter 
Level 5: V-Wing Starfighter 
All Episode 3 mini-kits: Public Transport Ship 

Episode 4

Level 1: Star Destroyer 
Level 2: Sandcrawler 
Level 3: Luke's Sandspeeder 
Level 4: Millennium Falcon 
Level 5: Y-Wing Starfighter 
All Episode 4 mini-kits: Darth Vader's TIE Advanced 

Episode 5

Level 1: AT-AT Walker 
Level 2: Rebel Snowspeeder 
Level 3: Imperial TIE Fighter 
Level 4: X-Wing 
Level 5: Cloud Car 
All Episode 5 mini-kits: Slave I 

Episode 6

Level 1: Skiff 
Level 2: Imperial TIE Interceptor 
Level 3: AT-ST 
Level 4: Imperial Shuttle 
Level 5: Imperial TIE Bomber 
All Episode 6 mini-kits: Jabba's Sail Barge 

Red Power Brick bonuses:
Collect the hidden Red Power Brick in the following levels to unlock the corresponding bonus for purchase at the shop. The mini-games are played in the room marked with the DS icon.

Episode 1

Level 1: Deflection Challenge mini-game 
Level 2: Protocol Activation Panel 
Level 3: Pitstop mini-game 
Level 4: Big Blasters Extra 
Level 5: x2 Multiplier Extra 

Episode 2

Level 1: Kamino Challenge mini-game 
Level 2: Evasion Challenge mini-game 
Level 3: Astromech Activation Panel 
Level 4: Infinite Torpedoes Extra 
Level 5: x4 Multiplier Extra 

Episode 3

Level 1: Self Destruct Extra 
Level 2: Grievous mini-game 
Level 3: Super Lightsabers 
Level 4: Focus Survival mini-game 
Level 5: x6 Multiplier Extra 

Episode 4

Level 1: Levitation Challenge mini-game 
Level 2: Fast Build Extra 
Level 3: Deflection Survival mini-game 
Level 4: Imperial Activation Panel 
Level 5: x8 Multiplier Extra 

Episode 5

Level 1: Movie Clips 
Level 2: Regenerate Hearts Extra 
Level 3: Kamino Survival mini-game 
Level 4: Super Blasters Extra 
Level 5: x10 Multiplier Extra 

Episode 6

Level 1: Bounty Hunter Activation Panel 
Level 2: Activation mini-game 
Level 3: Super Ewok Catapult Extra 
Level 4: Levitation Survival mini-game 
Level 5: Invincibility
